An Introduction to the Farmer Veteran Coalition

Jose R. Ortega, Incubator Farmer Veteran

What is the Farmer Veteran Coalition?
The Farmer Veteran Coalition (FVC) strives to support the “hardworking farmer veterans who have chosen to serve their nation twice – once by defending it and once by feeding it.” The idea for the Coalition germinated out of a gathering convened by Michael O’Gorman, previously of Jacob’s Farm/Del Cabo, in 2007. This group of California Central Coast farmers and military families identified that farming offers purpose, along with physical and psychological benefits that could be a great boon to veterans transitioning out of military service and into other industries.  Having been around less than 10 years, this collaboration between military and farming communities has produced many fruitful relationships and catapulted farm businesses around the country. Providing dynamic resources for vets entering into the agricultural sector as well as for established farms looking to mentor and support them, the FVC is something you should know about.

Are you a veteran interested in agriculture?
Offering veterans a range of resources from financial and legal planning to farm marketing assistance, the FVC places emphasis on mentorships. The Coalition can open up a vast network of funding and connections to support you in your agricultural endeavors. Jose R. Ortega, (US Air Force, Active Duty, Enlisted 2003-2007, Travis AFB, CA), first learned about the FVC upon receiving their financial support to pursue his education in Ecological Horticulture at UCSC. Jose’s relationship with the FVC continued well after graduation when he accepted an internship through their programming and was paired with First Generation Farmers. Receiving a living stipend through the Coalition, he worked as a Farm Assistant for four months at First Generation Farmers. “You spend the those four months learning from the farmer you’re paired harvest, wash (produce), deliver restaurant orders, and get to ask the farmer lots of questions” Jose reflects. All the while you are also “thinking about what you would like to grow and how you’d like to do it” when it comes time to start your own operation.

The goal is to have you ready for next steps by the end of the internship- in Jose’s case, that meant leaping into a farmer incubator program at First Generation Farmers. While he negotiated an agreement with the host farm, the FVC reviewed his business plan and offered guidance before he presented it to First Generation Farmers, setting him up for success. Jose is currently in his first season growing lettuce and pumpkins for restaurant accounts in the area.

And if you’re not a veteran...
Anyone can join the Farmer Veteran Coalition: active and non-active military members, family, friends, supporters, farmers, etc. Host farms do not need to be veterans to participate in the FVC internship program. If you are an operating farm that’s willing and excited to mentor veterans venturing into the agricultural industry, you might be eligible to receive funding through the FVC to hire a vet (or several) to work with you via job or internship.

A rich networking resource that supports vets and farmers in all approaches to agriculture including: livestock, conventional, organic, cannabis, and beekeeping- it is well worth the time to get to know the Farmer Veteran Coalition.

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Jane works as a Field Production Specialist at the Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, where her days are filled with tractor work, irrigation coordination, orchard care, and educating apprentices and interns. Her favorite way to end a long day's work in the sun, is running down the hill to Mitchell's Cove and jumping in the Pacific.